Using Assistive Tech to Make Instruction More Accessible & Inclusive
What is Assistive Technology? This week, we had a presentation from Darcy, Daniel, Reid, and Janeen on assistive technologies, and they did a great job of showing that assistive tech is a very broad category …
Improving My Use of Assessment Tech
For this post, we were asked to think about our past and current choices around the incorporation of assessment technologies and reflect on what our choices say about our pedagogical and epistemological beliefs. Past Choices …
Evolution of the Web and Education
This week, we were asked to consider this quote, which compares the evolution of the web to the evolution of education: “The web influences people’s way of thinking, doing and being, and people influence the …
Tools for Online Learning: Is the Medium Really the Message?
This week, we were asked to reflect on tools for distance, online, and blended learning; how they impact learning experiences; and how we have used them to support teaching and learning. My Role During Online …
The Productivity Trap
Single-Tasking vs. Multi-Tasking This week, we were asked to watch the video below and reflect on productivity tools and the endless distractions of the Internet. I’m feeling a little personally attacked by this video… and …
Reflections on Ed Tech, Pedagogy, and Professional Growth
My Definition of Ed Tech Educational technology: the use of technology (not necessarily digital technology, but any technical knowledge, technique, craft, or process) to facilitate, support, or enhance learning. Connections to Historical & Philosophical Foundations …
Summary of Learning & Shoutouts to the EC&I 834 Community
Learning By Doing This past week, we had our final class of EC&I 834: Designing for Online and Blended Learning. I really appreciated how this course was so experiential and project-based. We were introduced to …
Treaty Ed and Minecraft Course Walkthrough & Reflections on Creation Process
*This post has been cross-posted with Curtis Bourassa. This post will provide an overview of the Treaty Education and Minecraft Course we created for Grade 6-8 students in Saskatchewan. First off, check out our course walkthrough video: We co-wrote several blog posts …
Building Meaningful Interactions In-Person, Online, and in Minecraft
*This post has been cross-posted with Curtis Bourassa. We are currently exploring the Treaty relationship using Minecraft Education Edition in three different classrooms. The classes are on either Lesson 4 or 5 in our learning plan, where they …